Bravo!!!! (Literally we are giving you a sitting ovation.) This is a tl;dr warning.
In the spirit of giving thanks, Thank you Xier0, Endrit007, Dialatic, leanbean901, JackGeddes1, boatsandhoes, ilovegold69, LoLSmurfin, hattez, Magic Arrow, Zealot Reyes, sypherz, kfjjjdst, IRL Seller, nodnarbusn, TJOC, Emperor_Nero, BGlave, Dave B & Lame123 (I'm sure I missed a few names but you know who you are.)
See, this is the thing, you all participated in a thing we call "Sythe's Little Game". We have been told so much about Trin over the last few months but we needed actual time to dedicate to this little game. It being Thanksgiving holiday & we had a bit of time off and we needed something to fill that void. We were really hoping that it would have taken til today for all of this to come crashing down on you but to my happy surprise it came sooner than we expected. Huehuehue.
We had to make a "smooth" transition into the SF. We posted a few comments in the entertainment section just to have our names seen. That's all it took really.
It casually started off with a simple joke in Sythe TeamSpeak about us getting ranks. Of course, our mastermind plan started to take affect from this point, which included TinyChat.
So much thought went into every sentence we wrote in the SF. Everything was so meticulously planned out that the end result was inevitable. Every reaction played out so perfectly. Causing some members to create thread after thread in our honor, planned. The out-pour of hate towards us, planned. The rage it caused you to just plain act stupid, planned. There are so many to list, so I'll just mention those few...planned.
Despite some of the truths I did say in the "sidebar conversation" I had with Heads447 in plain view of everyone, not a single person picked up on it. N4N0 did warn you all, I am a known troll. I even said, "you all have no idea to whom you're dealing with." (or something to that affect) The only person (I could be wrong but I have my suspicions) that was smart enough to really observe & know what was happening was Heads447.
As for Alex_J_Leon, you tried so hard with your drama thread, it brought a tear to our eye. You, in fact, were actually spot the fuck on.
You are JucieCotour/JucieCouture and EvilTwinDoll. (Knows everyone reading this is running off to do some serious google searches now. -giggles-) Disclaimer:All JucieCotour, JucieCouture or any variation of the name is her. So, you making that thread was the icing on the cake, also planned. I think you can read the bold face rule here: Spam Forum Rules and we are sure you easily broke the rules, but we are not going to be sticklers about it. It was all for entertainment for us and at your expense.
This should be a lesson to you all. Trin may call us a assholes but most people would call us Master Troll at it's finest.
Good day to you Ma'am. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.