Your Women Will Never Tell You If You Are Bad In Bed!
Here's another honest confession - while we'll complain for hours to our girlfriends about how
clumsy and clueless you are in the bedroom... we will never, ever, EVER tell you!
Why? Well we know guys have fragile egos, so we'll usually rather put up with "average" sex
than tell you and risk hurting your feelings. After all, we can always just fake like we are enjoying it.
This can create another problem though... you see... you probably already know that girls "fake it"
all the time.
The problem this causes is that since a girl won't ever tell a guy he sucks in bed, but she WILL fake
an orgasm - and very convincingly! A lot guys never know that they are doing
anything wrong.
Some guys are even fooled into thinking that they are "good"!
When in reality... the woman is lying there wishing she was with someone who really knew how
to make her cum ... so she wouldn't have to fake it.
So the moral of the story is that many guys who are bad in bed don't know it! If you hear a guy
bragging about how he rocked his girl's world in the bedroom... don't always believe him!