Sell me a business instagram profile

Is it really that hard to make one?
Rare said:
Is it really that hard to make one?

I'm guessing he means a business that's already a company like @comast or something in the sorts.

Or he might want a stat instagram to turn into a business one but I'm pretty sure he means the first
You can set your profile as a business account, just didn't think it was hard. @ponyo
Ponyo said:
I'm guessing he means a business that's already a company like @comast or something in the sorts.

Or he might want a stat instagram to turn into a business one but I'm pretty sure he means the first
i'd assume  he just wants an ig that has the contact button on it
Tbh I didn't even know either of those were things @gunnar @rare but I seen something on FK about the contact button never managed to check it out
don't pay for this just go to your settings on instagram and look right above the private account option
Would normally be in settings, that's weird.
Maybe invisible requirements? My 55k business page has the option.
Doesn't seem like it, I know someone with 130 followers and has one of these
Joseph said:
Doesn't seem like it, I know someone with 130 followers and has one of these

Yo dude I didn't have the button before but I got it yesterday, what you have to do is: add a facebook account to the profile, on that profile create a facebook page. After that, close instagram. If you're not in America (like me) download VPN Master off the Google Play app and switch your location to America. Once you've done all of this you'll have the contact button!
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