Selling 2 Mains!


Hey, selling 2 mains. Just looking for OFFERS. DONT PM ME, MESSAGE ME ON SKYPE OR XBOX

1st Main: 'M*th*r Fr*ck*ng' is the Gamertag. OG as Hell. 8000+ Gamerscore. 1 Year Tenure. ALL DLC on Black Ops 1, 2, MW3, MW2. Also has the games 'Silent Hill Downpour', 'Bullletstorm','Skyrim', The Walking Dead + 400 Days DLC, and 'State of Decay' on the account.

5th Level 12 on Black Ops 2, 2nd Level 80 on MW3, 3rd Level 30 on BO1, 10th Level 70 on MW2. Highest on COD4, Random on WaW. Also, I have 'SoaR Suhlly', 'SoaR Aspros', 'Jade Zeoq' and 'Genesis CTN' on my FR. If you don't know who they are then you should Search for them on YouTube. :D

2nd Main: 'J**v' is the Gamertag. Nice and OG. Only DLC is the Black Ops 2 Camos 'Rogue', 'Coyote', 'Aqua', 'Breach' and 'Cyborg'. Random Levels on all CODs. BO2 is close to Level 50, with Maxed out DSR 50. Positive K/D. MW3 is level 10. All the others is Level 1 :(

SKYPE: ConnerRead

XBOX: Jxqv
I wouldn't exactly call "Mother Fricking" or "Jxqv" are anywhere near being entitles "OG", but good luck with sales I guess.

These are not even close to OG.
You should get at least something for them though.

I also own these GT's, but have current offers so NFS.

Milking Llamas


connerread said:
I also own these GT's, but have current offers so NFS.

Milking Llamas



If you're selling any of the tags listen make sure you provide proof.
No one will believe you if you don't prove the ownership.
Anyways good luck with sales!
Always use a MiddleMan.
