I am looking to sell these 2 tags because I need $20 for an OG email. Both these accounts are fresh silvers made by me so they both have a 0% of getting banned. I am looking to sell these for $10 each. They have no security info on it at all, I made these accounts a while ago and I need money now!!
The tags are:
T*c N*ke* - Big on MW2!
C*t* *f R*m*
PM me for the tags
We can use a middleman but you will be paying for it no matter what.
I have been scammed out of $55 for my main account and $110 trying to buy an OG and I am not wasting anymore of my money.
Don't say it doesn't work because 1., you don't know the method, and just because you do not know about it doesn't mean it is fake. I will PM the proof over PM, but I will give you a $10 discount if you buy one of my accounts. Please don't hate, I do not have time to argue with your stupidity if you want to flame.
PM me for any details about this method or the accounts
My skype is mikewaynewalker if you wish to talk on there.
If you have a unban method you are selling , you are going to need a Vouch , i have a Gamertag i dont care about that got 9999d , ill offer it as a vouch copy has no microsoft points , gamerscore , tenure or anything .
doubt it , just wanted to give him a opprotunity before calling him a scammer which is what he is trying to do . Which means he should be banned @Philly
The tags are alright, but if you know an "unbanning" method, why not start a service of the method. There are a whole bunch of banned tags lurking around. I'm pretty sure you will make more profit out of it. GLWS.
I bought the method off of Adorable who just posted on my thread. He said he would vouch with me. I just don't have a banned account to test it on and I need money and some proof so I can do the method. But I have no one to record for me or anything. And if Adorable scammed me then you can blame it on him, he is a trusted member on here so he will take the consequence if he scammed me.
Im going to neg your rep *tisk tisk*
Please show me proof that I am a scammer. If the method doesn't work, Adorable will get banned on FK for it not me. I bought the method off of him. Unless he wants to give me a full refund I will accept that. He showed me proof that is not too revealing so if he did scam me it was a rookie mistake on my part.