Selling a nice 5 letter OG


Active Member
Not sure why my other thread got deleted but whatever, it would be nice to know the reason.

This is a sick clean tag, had this for a few months now and it's on the OG account.

Payment Method: BTC

GT: ?
Hint: Safe
@sellinggt made his own thread for this too and was telling people your tag.
Nonetheless if you will let this go for 600 I think I may pick it up off of you.

When did you get this?
Are you the person I played bo2 with on this account?

Seven said:
@sellinggt made his own thread for this too and was telling people your tag.
Nonetheless if you will let this go for 600 I think I may pick it up off of you.

When did you get this?
Me and him share the account, I was out and the thread got deleted for some reason so he made another one.
Re: RE: Selling a nice 5 letter OG

Junior said:
Me and him share the account, I was out and the thread got deleted for some reason so he made another one.
The person I played bo2 with said they don't have an FK account. Lol
Not going to call out anything but is this to be like a massive place like in a bank where they store everything?

if thats too much of a hint lmk i'll remove it :c
Random said:
The person I played bo2 with said they don't have an FK account. Lol

I know I talked to him to use FK if he ever wants to buy/sell OG shit.

Pandas said:
Not going to call out anything but is this to be like a massive place like in a bank where they store everything?

if thats too much of a hint lmk i'll remove it :c

Since you and him share the account, are you taking full responsibility (as in, if it gets called in its on you)? I'm seriously considering BINing this.
Dope as fuck tag then, Good luck dropping this sale Junior.
Wнιтe said:
Since you and him share the account, are you taking full responsibility (as in, if it gets called in its on you)? I'm seriously considering BINing this.

Of course, if I didn't trust him with the account I wouldn't share it with him.

Going to bed now, suns out, 6:30 in the morning, drunk af, birthday tomorrow, getting drunk af again.
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