Selling a Sick Main


Power member.
waw- max
mw2- max
mw3 - 16th 70+
Blops- 15th 37

Warrant Officer Grade 1 on Reach
1.66 KD

Live for over a year, 500 Msp, DLC.
4 almost 5 tenure
23,000+ Legit Gamerscore
Cod Elite



I am open to any offers and trades. I am mainly looking for any ogs or just post and pm me if your offers. I accept PP, MP, or LR.

Bin: $150PP, $135MP, $100LR
Thanks! Let me know if you guys are ever interested.
I would, but barely have anything to offer nothing worthy to get the account that is.
Feat said:
I would, but barely have anything to offer nothing worthy to get the account that is.
Oh ok, well hmu if that ever changes.
Vouch for this guy! He has the account.

Buy it!
Poop said:
Vouch for this guy! He has the account.

Buy it!
Thanks Poop. Now I'm the most trusted person in the history of the internet since I got a vouch from the almighty Poop!
GrƷƷd said:
Thanks Poop. Now I'm the most trusted person in the history of the internet since I got a vouch from the almighty Poop!

"the almighty Poop"? Yeah that's a little desperate.
Bomb said:
Too bad it is a EU account

Maybe there is an EU buyer out there
Doesn't really make a difference. Only problem is if you ever wanted to add msp.
Pretty sick stats and a nice gamertag to go with it
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