Selling a tag.


Power member.
Today i'm selling the tag "Viscera" he's a famous WWE champion.

Other Meaning:
   [vis-er-uh] Show IPA
plural noun, singular vis·cus  [vis-kuhs] Show IPA.
Anatomy, Zoology . the organs in the cavities of the body, especially those in the abdominal cavity.
(not used scientifically) the intestines; bowels.

Picture of Viscera :,_Jr.

Open to trade's.

Bid $15 , Buyout ?? : I don't know yet just offer.

Proof :[/CENTER]
LOL Viscera tag haha too funny but yeah I put $10.00 on this one
Vouch for Pure, sick gamertag good luck selling buddy.
Nice tag, GLWS! Good Luck bro.
Swaggy said:
Isn't Viscera that 400+ pound pervert?
LoL yeah he's almost 500 pound's
Doctor said:
ill bid 15 on this, glws cool gt
Added you to the OP thanks for your bid
Junior said:
lol I'm guessing you got this from Afro who was selling it for $10? GLWS also
Lol yeah I did it went smooth surprisingly
Pure said:
Lol yeah I did it went smooth surprisingly

Well he's legit to people who are friends with him only reason he started scamming is because he got scammed for the GT Pure and got repfucked on HF
Junior said:
Well he's legit to people who are friends with him only reason he started scamming is because he got scammed for the GT Pure and got repfucked on HF
That suck's Pure's a sexy tag
CLOSED not selling anymroe !!!
I decided to sell again hmu.
Vouch for pure seems like a boss and pretty legit
Good luck selling pure , vouch he's legit .