Selling an OG [120$]

Twilight said:
Nice tag boy, but a nigga ain't getting shit near 120 for GT: Based... Sorry to break it to you young blood. But that shit ain't happening. Good luck anyway. Love

its easilyyyy worth 120$ I'm assuming you have no idea what it even relates to which in that case i can see why you think that.

Caster said:
just played with you on halo 3. just sayin

yea lol I've been on all day
Hey man, are you still selling this tag? If so, I am interested
Time said:
its easilyyyy worth 120$ I'm assuming you have no idea what it even relates to which in that case i can see why you think that.

It's still a semi-og. Just saying but $120 is overpriced when there are better tags for a near or better price.
Kev said:
It's still a semi-og. Just saying but $120 is overpriced when there are better tags for a near or better price.

lulz, please direct me to those better tags then. i aint seeing any
User scammed me for this gt

Don't trust. U can't swap the gt either

The trade was impulse luxurious and something else for this and he fucked me over
if u wana see he scammed me come on aim ill show u the logs thanks
I'm guessing this relates to lil b?? Worst rapper ever?? Which is why you say it should be 120?? I'm not hating, just saying that it shouldnt be worth that much. Tag can't be swapped either. Like come on bro.

P.S: I remember when you tried scamming me when I was buying the tag Rogue off you. Then you you tried just taking my money, wouldnt give me a refund remember that my nigga?? Luckily I charged back and got my paper back easy as fuck. Swag on bitches

It's worth about $70, but GLWS! And btw, I do know how much tags should be worth, and "based" is a semi, and the gt alone is worth $25 if that much, its not that good, the only thins are the stats and the ms points on it...
This tag is straight dope, and people saying it's worth only like $70 clearly don't know who Lil B is. #based
You like lil b?? He's whack as fuck. And dumb as fuck. Tag is worth 40 tops. Nuff said
Twilight said:
You like lil b?? He's whack as fuck. And dumb as fuck. Tag is worth 40 tops. Nuff said
Agreed, Lil B has been shit and always will be shit.
He should be shot in my opinion
But the tag is sexy as fuck, but since you can't swap it.
its worth about 40-50
Where teh fuck is the OG???

I only see Based.......

You chargedback on me? LOL? I sold you the tag, it got taken back, you chargedback, i won dispute cause i win every dispute. Ill sell it for what i wanna sell it for. "Swag on bitches" No wonder you think lil b is terrible your straight up faggot lmao
Dreams said:
User scammed me for this gt

Don't trust. U can't swap the gt either

The trade was impulse luxurious and something else for this and he fucked me over

Proof? Don't come in my thread saying bullshit that you can't even back up.

Рoop said:
Ew a lowercase b WTF?!?!?

This is a $15 tag real talk. HAHAHAHAHHA Id be saying the something if the tags i had sucked dick too

Huggies for 150$? LOLOLOL

Based > Huggies

any. fucking. day.
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