Selling an OG gamertag 75$


Selling the OG tag for 75$ no offer no trades the price is firm i will take it higher if the tag seems like it is popular.

message me for the account name i dont want it getting banned
Nice tag but you might want to post proof of ownership.
What is the gamertag that you have?
Ogtaggers said:
i have my FK name all over the account if you to view it.
O well I can vouch he has his name all through the account.
Could you please private message me the gamertag.
Guys seriously this is annoying as frick. PM him like he said. Anyways OP i am PM'ing you right now.
hey can u pm me about the tag i have the $
Tragic can you PM me the tag, he wont fucking message me.

Alright, i know the tag now. PM Me, ill buy right now.