Selling Ass Fansigns


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Just testing to see if you guys would be intersted. I have a girl willing to make them in diffrent outfits and locations so they would look diffrent. They would be ass fansigns but they are very nice. You can kik me to see an example : reaactive. Thinking they would go for $5 a piece. Anyone interested?
Are you sure they won't be photoshopped? Can we tell her what to do?
They would be written in a way to where you could not alter the text.
Show some examples on the thread not hard, probably photoshopped.
"hey lil sis, i have more names to write on ur ass so we can eat again tomorrow"
Would your "girl" be willing to wear a horse mask?
Lmao nigga, are you who I think you are?

If so hmu on skype