Selling Again!
Hey guys. Today I am offering you the chance to buy (pretty much) any auth you want.
I will start by saying this in big red letters. These auths will be banned eventually, I can guarantee it. I didn't find these in a dump but I can pretty much guarantee that someone else will find these auths and dump them.
However since dumped auths are going to become harder to come by, they may not be banned as quick.
With that being said I am offering you these auths at 1M each and if you buy 4 then you get the fifth free. Staff receive auths for free up until the day that I close this shop (I won't be keeping it open forever).
I am giving a 2 week guarantee on these auths, meaning that if they get banned within that week I will replace free of charge. I am not going to bullshit you and say that I am offering you a lifetime auth because that would be fucking silly and a waste of my time. I understand that there are many sellers who will sell you an auth and offer you a lifetime guarantee... But we all know that isn't possible.
I am not going to bother posting an auth panel screenshot as I cannot be bothered to add them all in.
Post here the auth/s you wish to buy and PM me your MSN.
Here is a list of all the customers I have sold to, their auth code and the date that I sold it to them. This is for my reference mainly.
I will start by saying this in big red letters. These auths will be banned eventually, I can guarantee it. I didn't find these in a dump but I can pretty much guarantee that someone else will find these auths and dump them.
However since dumped auths are going to become harder to come by, they may not be banned as quick.
With that being said I am offering you these auths at 1M each and if you buy 4 then you get the fifth free. Staff receive auths for free up until the day that I close this shop (I won't be keeping it open forever).
I am giving a 2 week guarantee on these auths, meaning that if they get banned within that week I will replace free of charge. I am not going to bullshit you and say that I am offering you a lifetime auth because that would be fucking silly and a waste of my time. I understand that there are many sellers who will sell you an auth and offer you a lifetime guarantee... But we all know that isn't possible.
I am not going to bother posting an auth panel screenshot as I cannot be bothered to add them all in.
Post here the auth/s you wish to buy and PM me your MSN.
Here is a list of all the customers I have sold to, their auth code and the date that I sold it to them. This is for my reference mainly.
Sales (the dates are from a GMT perspective but written in the American format):
Damnful - 03/05/11 - Slayer, Soul Wars, Pest Control, Fletch, Firemaking
Rude - 03/05/11 - Gilded Altar
TheCapo - 03/05/11 - Sorc Garden.
ProGamer - 03/05/11 - Sorc Garden, MTA, Puro, Fisher, Hunter - Extended warranty of 2 months as he payed more and via PayPal.
lessthanfive 03/06/11 - Thiever
Mr Hannah Minx - 03/06/11 - Thiever
TheCapo - 03/06/11 - Alcher, Soul Wars, Fighter
Renegader - 03/07/11 - Herblore
WetRain - 03/07/11 - Woodcutter