Selling/Bundling GTs


Active Member
Hey guys I know its my first post but i have OG accounts for sale i cant upload pictures right now but ill log onto the account and private chat you or whatever you want to verify that im the owner

Here is a list of the gamertags for sale
Got Collaterals
Pet African
Race Jokes
Spanking Adults
Straight Razors
underwear marks(banned from communication 2 weeks)(live)​

Send all offers to ((((((Whats TBH)or(Wheeleh))))) on xbox live​
Please post proof of all the GT's.
Thank you.
can i take a video of the gamertags and signing into them?
Wheeleh said:
can i take a video of the gamertags and signing into them?

Some way to show you (Wheeleh), own the accounts.
You have Anonymous & Orgasm? How much for each or both? PM me.
Osiris said:
You have Anonymous & Orgasm? How much for each or both? PM me.

Just because they're on your console doesn't mean you have access to them.
Maybe he does & isn't selling. I'm just saying that if he does I'll pay for them.
Wheeleh said:
thats why they arent for sale
Do you actually have anonymous though? Does the GT appear in a search?
The GT appears in the search, But I doubt he has it, Since he lied about Orgasm :S
nah its just a trick thats why i made a new thread saying not for sale i would hae told someone offering me that it was fake I dont scam. plus a scam for that much would not go easy Id end up getting caught.

other than anon and orgasm all are real ill log on to each and show you
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