Selling cheap ogs

Not a single one of these are OGs OP. They are semi- at best, I would advice you alter the title of the post. GLWS.
Raptor lx said:
Not a single one of these are OGs OP. They are semi- at best, I would advice you alter the title of the post. GLWS.

Watermelons is the best one.

OP. Please post proof or show proof to a moderator about these Tags.
Hi, please post proof or this will be closed.
I think Watermelons is the best one... Good luck with sales.
47th said:
I have thousands of dollars to spend if you honestly would like to go there.

If this dude is seriously going to drop $200 on Watermelons, I'd sell to him then lmao. If his bid falls, Please PM me with Proof of the tag, and the current bid/Price range you're looking to sell for. Thank you.
47th said:
I have thousands of dollars to spend if you honestly would like to go there.

You're a Got Damn idiot if you spend thousands Of dollars on a name.
47th said:
I'm a multi-millionaire money is no problem for me.
Well if you supposedly have that much buy Red he's selling his tag.
If you are a multimillionaire just buy out Microsoft -_- Or just be a dick and buy all the tags in the market. And if you're going to bid 200 dollars on Watermelons you're a fucking retard. And since you have so much money why don't you buy power and onyx or even extreme donator? Or maybe even donate to the site?
Cause i've been wanting tags that relate to Watermelon. Explains my aim.
I've donated to the site and i bought onyx mean it's just a forum.
47th said:
I'm a multi-millionaire money is no problem for me.

The Internet, where anybody can be anybody or thing.
Famous said:
I'm you are a multimillionaire just buy out Microsoft -_- Or just be a dick and buy all the tags in the market. And if you're going to bid 200 dollars on Watermelons you're a fucking retard. And since you have so much money why don't you buy power and onyx or even extreme donator? Or maybe even donate to the site?

yeah you tell him :p