Package 1:
70 Comments + 70 (+) Likes [ 70(+) = more than that ]:roflmao: For just only $1
Package 2:140 + 5 ( extra 5 ) Comments + 145 (+) Likes [ 145(+) = more than that ]:non: For Just only $2
Package 3: 210 + 5 (extra 5) Comments + likes = 215(+) = more than that ]
Packages 5 6 7 ( extra 10 ):yeye: (selling more than that ...!!! if you want )
Links video to separate Comments and likes depend on your package:
Package 1 : allowed 2 video Links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Package 2 : allow 4 video links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Package 3 : allow 6 video links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Package 4 : allow 8 video links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
package 5 6 7 or more : separate 10 (+) links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Vouch Service ( only for staff ) :
If Some Staff that want to get review that I am legit or not. Just pmmm me I will send you :
20 comments/likes (+) to make a vouch for me and tell me that I am legit.
Images to proof:
Click here!!!! to view Proof Image
Video to proof:
Click here To view Video with almost thousand likes but only with hundred views....
Anyone buy it just email for me in this forum or my emails. my email tran_tran244@yahoo.com
Why did I not sell subscribers ?
I think you guy will not need subscribers because it don't help you guy any things . But whatever if you guy want it just talk to me I will discuss with you about that.
[Accept only Paypal ]
Who want That just send message to my email. My email is :
If you guy lie to me or do somethings bad:lipssealed:. I will give you +100 dislike and bad comment
If you guy have any question else ?!??!
reply here.. or send me an message
This all Vouchs From Hackforum.net !!!! Because I just new in here
Moderate said:This guy is legit vouch for him!
Nelinski™ said:Vouch for this guy and his bot. Just tested it on me and got all the comments. Worth purchasing.
Symbiotic said:Big vouch, he gave me 20 comments for free!
Blowin said:Good seller legit i when first and he did the service right after payment!
konoinhiu244 said:He legit vouch for him !!! He finished his package 2 for me very fast just about 45-50 minutes.