Selling Comments/Likes(+) [ Fast Service + Up to 6000 Comments/like(+) ]




Package 1:
70 Comments + 70 (+) Likes [ 70(+) = more than that ]:roflmao: For just only $1
Package 2:140 + 5 ( extra 5 ) Comments + 145 (+) Likes [ 145(+) = more than that ]:non: For Just only $2
Package 3: 210 + 5 (extra 5) Comments + likes = 215(+) = more than that ]:cool: For just Only $3
Packages 5 6 7 ( extra 10 ):yeye: (selling more than that ...!!! if you want )

Links video to separate Comments and likes depend on your package:
Package 1 : allowed 2 video Links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Package 2 : allow 4 video links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Package 3 : allow 6 video links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
Package 4 : allow 8 video links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]
package 5 6 7 or more : separate 10 (+) links [ separate comments/Like (+) ]

Vouch Service ( only for staff ) :
If Some Staff that want to get review that I am legit or not. Just pmmm me I will send you :
20 comments/likes (+) to make a vouch for me and tell me that I am legit.

Images to proof:
Click here!!!! to view Proof Image
Video to proof:
Click here To view Video with almost thousand likes but only with hundred views....

Anyone buy it just email for me in this forum or my emails. my email

Why did I not sell subscribers ?
I think you guy will not need subscribers because it don't help you guy any things . But whatever if you guy want it just talk to me I will discuss with you about that.

[Accept only Paypal ]

Who want That just send message to my email. My email is :

If you guy lie to me or do somethings bad:lipssealed:. I will give you +100 dislike and bad comment:mad:, instead of +100 like and good comments:victoire: ( But nothing to care about it. I only do that to one who lie to me. If you guy serious with my Business, maybe I will give you guy more credit.)

If you guy have any question else ?!??!
reply here.. or send me an message :pirate: I will reply for you guy as fast as I can :yeye:

This all Vouchs From !!!! Because I just new in here :D But I just show you guy that I am legit....

Moderate said:
This guy is legit vouch for him!

Nelinski™ said:
Vouch for this guy and his bot. Just tested it on me and got all the comments. Worth purchasing.

Symbiotic said:
Big vouch, he gave me 20 comments for free!

Blowin said:
Good seller legit i when first and he did the service right after payment!

konoinhiu244 said:
He legit vouch for him !!! He finished his package 2 for me very fast just about 45-50 minutes.
Vouches from another site do not mean anything here.