Selling Elite Clan. LOWERED BUYOUT!

RE: Selling Elite Clan.

Vouch for this guy, he won't scam you. I'm some other clan this random guy owns, so I won't be needing this group, but this is a really good price and deal for anybody who wants their own clan.
RE: Selling Elite Clan.

Someone buy this clan from Chill.
RE: Selling Elite Clan.

Do they only use this for mw3 or all new CoDs? Sorry i have never been in one of these and dont play the new games rarely.
RE: Selling Elite Clan.

looks like a good clan dude glws
RE: Selling Elite Clan.

Why so much for one of these? lol
RE: Selling Elite Clan.

Oh haha Haven't really looked into it much. lol last I knew people had to join with there bonus points to level up lol GL
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