[Selling]Free Xbox Gold & Microsoft Points Method


[size=xx-large]PRIVATE METHOD
Hello ForumKorner, I have another Private Method that very few people know and its very unique and it doesn't require any accounts to steal.
With this method you can get free xbox live gold codes or Microsoft point codes absolutely free. you also can get anything that you can redeem online with a code.


Payment Options:

Aim: jimmelmax08
Skype: assholes

You may not resell or release
This method is still confirmed working.
You Don't need to call anyone to do this. Just a PC or iDevice
Aim me or PM me if you want to buy
you should provide some sort of proof like an account with 20000 MSP on it. Nobody is going to believe you otherwise
Give one of the staff to review the eBook. To see if it's legit.
well you can ask some trusted members like reaper or something i gave some membership away to him so people know im legit

Im on an iphone atm thats all

that works too give me a staff members aim real quick

wait guy can I give a vouch to you ?
Is this just a survey or AppTrailers type of method?
MegatronJ said:
you don't have to do surveys at all

You didn't answer the AppTrailers related part. How long will this take to do for each code?
No apptrailers either idek what that is and depending on who you are it should take about 20min maybe 10
ill take a vouch copy if u need,
if not jsut give to chronos
ill also take a vouch copy if needed hmu.
Has this been verified by any staff because i may purchase this.
Well sorry to tell you this but I'm pretty sure the Walmart method has been patched. I have the same method actually.