Selling Gamertag

$0.50 Bid, let me know if someone offers more I want this.
send a freindrequest on


and ill verify u have this, i doubt u do.
Current Bid $0.50 This is a serious competition underway
Your account isnt real these sort of accounts are super hard to get
Tomato said:
Current Bid $0.50 This is a serious competition underway

Thanks for noting my bid, pm me if someone beats me.
Tomato said:
Your account isnt real these sort of accounts are super hard to get

Uranus said:
00.75 this is serious i want the account

Shit is getting real, I'm dropping out. Best of luck with this sick account!
my bad that was my old account i swapped it and lost it.


^^ my real one. no lie. send freind request ill vouch

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