Selling Good 2 word GT


Selling gamertag "Yellow Viper" send me a pc or leave a comment is interested...

Tinypic isn't allowed, you must use another photo sharing site
Declan said:
Tinypic isn't allowed, you must use another photo sharing site

no one has ever said anything about it before,
What does send you a pc mean? (not trying to be a dick)
Wheres the good gamertaf u were selling?
no tinypic allowed, it says in the rules written on top. Please use alternate proof
Quad said:
no tinypic allowed, it says in the rules written on top. Please use alternate proof

pretty dumb rules... very very sad

Click said:
Wheres the good gamertaf u were selling?

harsh aye? kiss my, oh look an apple...
Why are you guys being assholes to this guy? Because he doesn't have a good tag like he stated? Could just tell him nicely to change it. Glws
Tac8 said:
What does send you a pc mean? (not trying to be a dick)

private communication...

NIke said:
Why are you guys being assholes to this guy? Because he doesn't have a good tag like he stated? Could just tell him nicely to change it. Glws

already sold it for 35 bucks... idc what they think hahaha...
The gamertag is ok Good luck with sales.
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