Selling gt- BY

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500 USD is my bid. Let me know if I've been outbid.
Vouch for this seller, he's legit and has this tag.
Feat said:
Just wondering, how the hell doesnt this tag have a higher bid than Superman? I would bid like $700 but then I'd have to pay you ;)

Because whover bought superman was stupid. The tag is only worth around 250
still selling current bid @ 500.
Im out of this bid. Gamertag is short but not cool at all in my opinion. 500 is way too much.i immediately withdraw my bid and saviour you shid bid less. I believe the only bid under you is 250 or 3 something. No need to jump so high, especially if the buyout should be less than your offer.

still selling current bid @ 500LR. ill end this within 2 days max.
Damn dude I thought you'd never sell this,lol. I use to be on your FL, but I got banned : Snipist
Lol, GLWS man.
Ill sell you my xbox if you want :/ Ive always wanted this tag too bad its way to much moeny lol. Anyway congrats to whoever wins! If it was around 200 id purchase imediatly lol.
^^ lol. looks good, but ill see if my freind will sell me his.
Vouch for Loyal one legit Mofo, good luck getting some new bids in
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