Selling Gt Chocolates

Wow, sick tag bro. Good luck with your sales.
I'll trade you.
Vouch for this rat hes as legit as they come and nice GT way better than Kissing
Junior said:
Vouch for this rat hes as legit as they come and nice GT way better than Kissing

Is it weird i like kissing more ?
wait the user Nemesis has the tag Kissing multi accounter much?
Doom said:
wait the user Nemesis has the tag Kissing multi accounter much?

i am not nemesis. hes saying that my tag is better than his

Junior said:
Vouch for this rat hes as legit as they come and nice GT way better than Kissing

thanks and get on

Kill said:
I'll trade you.

what do u have to trade?
Gumm it's worth about 25, 15 isnt really fair.
Doom said:
wait the user Nemesis has the tag Kissing multi accounter much?

lol. Thats not Nemesis.
Gumm said:
okay, the most i can do right now is 20

your the highest bidder right now so ill message you if you won
Rat said:
your the highest bidder right now so ill message you if you won


Grammar police in your hood dog. Lmao.
Vouch for Rat he has it he added me on it.
Damn. If this was just plain "Chocolate" I would have swooped in on this shit.
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