Selling Gt "Dyslexic"

RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

Yeah our trade didnt go welll >.>
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

Nice tag there bud. The user Emma really wants it

Good luck selling.
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

I messaged her but I guess she hasnt been on
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

What ur AIM? im thining about maybe picking up another tag but im not sure
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

Yo how much you selling this tag for?

Doesn't matter my friend has already bought it.
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

@Void I havnt sold it yet when I sell it I will post on here.

Mrs said:
What ur AIM? im thining about maybe picking up another tag but im not sure

I posted my aim, its
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

So why has my friend on here just told me he has bought it and when I asked him to send me a friend request on it he did straight away? Can you send me a message on it as proof? Would be appreciated because I'm interested. Oh my GT is: Vqxl
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

Yeah sure, whats you're GT?
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

Breez wut do u want for this ill buy it
RE: Selling gt Dyslexic

Dreams said:
Breez wut do u want for this ill buy it

I need msp right now, so thats what im looking for.
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