selling GT :Ebay Shipping

Will you take a 4000 code? That's a fresh OG.
Fuck really?
Never mind then.
I'll just you 20$ or a 1600
Attach valid proof to your thread showing that you have ownership over the gamertag or your thread will be locked / deleted. Thank you.
Uzi said:
Attach valid proof to your thread showing that you have ownership over the gamertag or your thread will be locked / deleted. Thank you.

Haxors said:
i will add whoever wants to buy it when they want it

No. Add proof to your thread now or it will be locked. This is to ensure the safety of our ForumKorner users and to prevent them from being scammed.
Haxors u do realise that meth is trolling u
Got milk? said:
Haxors u do realise that meth is trolling u
yea he likes boys he is trying to but it is not going to work i cant sell anyways i dont have proof
Lol i dont think youll get vety much IMO this tag is barely SEMI