Selling GT

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Onyx user!
Selling a OG. 8 Letter's

・Very Clean/Secure
・Gold until 8/3/2013
・Comes with XBL Tenth Anniversary Avatar Helmet

BIN: $250
Least I'll Take: $200

No need to sell. I will let it die on silver if need be.
Serious buyer's proof will be shown only thru pm or aim: "Hehroic"
Awesome name, and it has 3 months gold left.. Good Luck man.
Vouch for Pain.
He's a legit guy.
You shouldn't have a Pain selling this.
Best of luck!
I dont know what the tag is but I am sure it is good.

GLWS man.
Thank's for the vouches. Still need this gone
Hit me up
Nice gamertag get rid if it quickly
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