Selling Ig Method


User is banned.
Price:$150 (was 200)
Payment:Moneypak Only
You can get any inactive or somewhat active username.
Only dm for a reply.
Only giving this out to 3 people
I will be on later to answer dms
Vouched By @Hope
If this isn't the public method, I may have to hit you up once I get some cash. Good luck with sales.
Only let someone trusted with this method. Someone that would split 50% profits earned by this method. Preferably some 15 year old, 5'10 Black kid. I'm not asking, just telling you who should get a vouch copy.
Oops, not a public method, apologies.

GLWS vincentinio

Just a note, you might want to post the success rate of this.
Vincent showed me and I've used this before and it worked, not a public method, and I can vouch for him.
I want to see this work before I consider buying. Would you take requests to get a username of my choice?
Ghost said:
I want to see this work before I consider buying. Would you take requests to get a username of my choice?

Id like to see the same thing and im intereswted in buying
what is the success rate? also is this trademarking?

i got cash in hand.
I'd like to know the success rate, & as @Ghost said you should take a certain username as proof.
Climax said:
I have one question, is this trademarking?

I think it is lol what other way is there besides cracking or working at instagram
Contraction said:
I think it is lol what other way is there besides cracking or working at instagram


I have an email swapping method gggggg
If anyone on this thread is an Instagram Jacking God then please PM me. If you get the instagram I want then I will give you $250 guaranteed. It isn't a super OG username and the account has no posts on it.