Selling Insane level 200 RS Account

You might want to sell this on a runescape or pc forum, runescape accounts take forever to sell on here.
Stoner said:
If you could direct me to some good sites to sell this on i'd appreciate it. i've had this fuckin thing for ages and realized they're worth 600 now.

Just google search runescape gold for sale and they usually have accounts for sale as well. People bid on them and everything. If I find the website I'll shoot you a PM.
Stoner said:
This account is the sickest that you can come by. Well.. Almost ;)

Account is worth $600 but i'm only selling it for $300

Please contact me on aim: [email protected]

You won't find another account like this for that cheap. i just need it gone already.

Any chance of some images and proof of ownership?
