Selling License Transfer

Ol Youngin


Shot at 2012-08-07
Am selling gamertag: MDKrouse
Following games are downloaded:
NBA 2K12
NCAA Football 12
Full House Poker

Also have all map packs downloaded for Halo 3 as well as a 44 in Team Slayer.

Please respond if interested.
I just read somewhere on HF that you could get console banned from this. Can anyone please confirm if this is true or not? If not i am interested. Mainly for The sports games and Halo Maps.
Astral said:
I just read somewhere on HF that you could get console banned from this. Can anyone please confirm if this is true or not? If not i am interested. Mainly for The sports games and Halo Maps.

Probably banned for Marketplace theft... i know plenty of people who of done it many times and have been fine
lVibe said:
Probably banned for Marketplace theft... i know plenty of people who of done it many times and have been fine

I've done it for over 20 times, I have about 40 full games and DLCs and other shit.
You can only license transfer once every 6 months I thought?
Yes you can get bann I went into a support chat and did some questioning sorry but it's not to safe.
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