Selling my BlackshadesNET RAT account [Lifetime] $15

I don't really hack anymore, so I wanted to sell my BlackshadesNET License. It's normally $40 but idgaf about how much it's worth because I don't use it anyways. So for just $15 you can buy it off me.

Yes this is my first post but I can give proof of my legitimacy on Hackforums if you really don't trust me.

PM me or add me on skype: crazymods101
Only accept paypal

You can't recover RSGP, you can recover a blackshades account.

I wasn't saying that not only because of the blackshades TOS I was saying it to avoid any future scam reports too.
I honestly wouldn't scam anyone, I haven't had any slaves on my bshadesNET for ages, I have changed my hobby and I just need the money
I wasn't accusing you of scamming, I said that because the license could be terminated for resale.
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