Selling OG Gamertag


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Selling an OG Gamertag

Pm me for the tag, with proof of funds and we'll negotiate a price. I'm most likely gonna accept the first decent offer I get, around $250-350. I'll accept PayPal from like 5 people, and btc from the rest.

If you don't have proof of funds and message me asking what it is, I will ignore your message and neg you.
Might accept some trades, but most likely not. Need money pretty much.

A middle man will be used, no matter who you are. Unless you're just willing to go first.

This was swapped to a silver account no more than 5 minutes ago. It has no consoles besides mine.

Thanks for reading. I look forward to dealing with whoever the buyer/trader may be.

Edit: Every fuck boy who bids or offers a bullshit amount (Ex: $17) is getting negged as soon as I'm able to again. You're not funny, you're not cute. You're a broke boy, and I don't have time for your shit.

wash said:
I would be happy to middle man for this deal brother.

I'll be sure to hit you up when I find a buyer. Sucks to see this tag go /: I need the money for something, and some things are just more important than Xbox.

Shock said:
You consoled it after swapping?

The silver account I used was already on my console.
This isn't worth 300+, this shit is ugly AF. It was sold for 220 then wash overpaid, then you paid like 10 dollars for it. Now you're trying to over charge, I can't.
Ascending said:
This isn't worth 300+, this shit is ugly AF. It was sold for 220 then wash overpaid, then you paid like 10 dollars for it. Now you're trying to over charge, I can't.

you turboed the gt Resolve lol why are you even talking
wash said:
you turboed the gt Resolve lol why are you even talking

You're a virgin, suck my dick. This site is your life lol. By the way I forgot to say, suck my dick.
Ascending said:
You're a virgin, suck my dick. This site is your life lol. By the way I forgot to say, suck my dick.

oh shit you got me good. someone truly hasn't lived unless they have had sex, that's the pinnacle of existence.
Ascending said:
This isn't worth 300+, this shit is ugly AF. It was sold for 220 then wash overpaid, then you paid like 10 dollars for it. Now you're trying to over charge, I can't.

I asked for proof of funds, then to negotiate a price. Never said I was asking for more than $300+. Not to mention I had it appraised a while back, and I know what I want for it. Better than Resolve with prefix though. What a funny thing to wake up to...
This is a nice clean tag tbh (if it's the tag people mentioned), I would buy but getting BTC is a bitch. Literally took me 2 whole days to get $14 worth of BTC lmao. glws and just one question, why did you console it after you swapped it?
⚔ said:
This is a nice clean tag tbh (if it's the tag people mentioned), I would buy but getting BTC is a bitch. Literally took me 2 whole days to get $14 worth of BTC lmao. glws and just one question, why did you console it after you swapped it?

I guess it's cuz I'm an idiot. Lmao. This is the first time that I've swapped a tag, so I'm new to it. If there's a next time, I won't console it.

And a couple people now have told me btc is a bitch to get right now, so I may take paypal from some. I don't like paypal though.. I've seen scrubs who have 2k rep and are "trusted" charge back.
Don't have the money right now, although,

GLWS mate.
My offer stands at $10 btw

Vouch for Dave, he is legit!
Since you bought it for 10$ I'll pay 15$ right now lmk.
idk why you guys are complaining that he consoled it, I can assure this will not be called in by Dave
Because I'm an idiot fuck boy who doesn't fuck with this shit on a daily fucking basis and is ignorant about shit like this. Sorry for fUcKiNg CoNsOlInG tHe DaMn TaG. Get over it, I don't even know how to call in a tag, or what calling in a tag does, or what the damn point in not having it on my console is. I'll delete it from my console as soon as someone buys it anyways. So please, stop riding my dick about this shit. @hostage @solic @whoeverthefuckelsehasawittycommentaboutmeconsolingthedamntag
Can u pm me this tag please, i dont understand why u need 'proof of funds'
Just dont swap the fucking tag and it wont get turboed
