Selling only 100$


Trying to sell the country gamertag " Liber*a "
All i want is 100$ the tag is fully mine.
Can send proof.
We will use a middle man!
@honda I offered you 120$ and your still making threads?
Close them
Tropic said:
@honda I offered you 120$ and your still making threads?
Close them
first come first serve...
Money talks and i want money straight up
When your ready hit me up
Honda said:
first come first serve...
Money talks and i want money straight up
When your ready hit me up

I want proof anyway like I asked, you didn't give me proof
Anyone who pms me i will show proof dont wanna show picture proof on the comments and risk getting the tag being banned
You dont have to post a picture in thread just FR the buyer before they send money
PM me proof and I will buy it like I said 400times
Honda are you blind? Either you don't own this tag or your an idiot, Tropic has offered you 20 dollars on top of your asking price...
Katiee said:
Honda are you blind? Either you don't own this tag or your an idiot, Tropic has offered you 20 dollars on top of your asking price...

He told me in a pm that hed hit me up when he had money in a few days.
He hasnt hit me up so maybe he hasnt got money 
This is still available make me offers people want it gone
How many owners/consoles and whats the status of the GT? I'm assuming its not on a fresh silver. I might purchase tomorrow as I have the money.
Honda said:
He told me in a pm that hed hit me up when he had money in a few days.
He hasnt hit me up so maybe he hasnt got money 

Are you a fucking idiot?
I have the money, you wouldn't show proof you own it.
Your sketchy Af
@katiee your right
DWC for @Honda . Sounds like he's not willing to prove that he owns the gamertag. Probably also wants you to go first with no MM
Are you guys stupid or what?
im not gonna show proof on here and burn the gamertag.
we will use a trusted middle man. stop being idiots.
@tropic probably explains why your rep is what it is because your an idiot
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