CatHax said:
This guy is LQ as hell. I sold him this for 20, he paid me in like 2 dollar increments, the next day I sign on and he messages me saying I took back the channel, he then goes ahead and disputes every last payment, about a week after that he closes all the disputes and is just lq in general, deal with caution
UPDATE: I no longer own this channel due to this fag.
I paid in $2 increments? no I paid one $20 payment to Remix
and then you took the channel back the next day, when Remix messaged you
you decided to ignore him, so I disputed with hopes of gaining something back.
Then you finally give it back, and you Took it back just hours later
you are a scamming prick, I hope you rot in hell.
I will be contacting paypal regarding this scam
And is this what you call $2 increments?
I honestly hope you feel good about your self you scamming prick