Hello ForumKorner!
I am trying to get rid of my stuff that I simply don't need anymore.
I got a few Gamertags for sell, and not asking for much.
Gamertag 1: Pontiac (Banned)
Meaning: A car manufacture. Well known worldwide!
Halo 3, 50 with 103 Games Played.
MW2: 9th Prestige all unlocked.
This used to be mine, and it got banned yesterday. I am selling it for $40.00, because there are methods to un-ban Gamertags.
Proof: Click me
Gamertag 2: PilIars
Stats: Halo 3, 50 in MLG with 100 EXP in the playlist.
This was traded to me a while ago.
BIN: $10.00
Proof: Click me
Gamertag 3: PeopIes
Stats: Halo 3, level 45 Team Doubles with 75 EXP.
MW2, level 70 all unlocked.
CoD4, 10th Level 55 all unlocked.
WaW, 10th Level 65 all unlocked.
BIN: $10.00
Proof: Click me
Gamertag 4,5,6: CDPO, STD6, S3XC
Stats: NONE [N/A]
Gold: Fresh Silvers
BIN: $2.00 (Each) $5.00 for all 3.
SDT6 :: Click me
S3XC :: Click me
CDPO :: Click me
Method of Payment: Paypal
I will NOT go first.
I will ONLY use a Middle Man for "Pontiac, PilIars, PeopIes" if needed.