Selling some Pokemon X and Y tags. (2 left)


Well-Known Member
Found a txt doc of some Pokemon X and Y tags I forgot I had. Hit me up if interested in any.

I accept paypal.

Tags left: 2
RE: Selling some Pokemon X and Y tags.

Do you have Del****? that's my favorite.
RE: Selling some Pokemon X and Y tags.

Pm me all the tag please. Thanks, looking to buy one.
RE: Selling some Pokemon X and Y tags.

do you have Go*dra? star = o. my favorite. PM me the list
RE: Selling some Pokemon X and Y tags.

Japanese. said:
Still selling these tags, hit me up.

PM me all 8 please. Thanks Jap.
RE: Selling some Pokemon X and Y tags. (6 left)

Hey buddy can u pm me the tags please? :D
Please say you have Pangoro? I would love you forever
Japanese. said:
Found a txt doc of some Pokemon X and Y tags I forgot I had. Hit me up if interested in any.

I accept paypal.

Tags left: 2

Quick question for you, are they Mega evolution Pokemon or just standard Kalos Pokemon?