(Selling) Super Rare oG!


Hey guys I am selling a SUPER rare oG today!

If you want to know the tag please PM me or post.

I do not know how much I want for this but NOTHING less then $300


Here is a hint though (G**G)
Rumors said:
Hey guys I am selling a SUPER rare oG today!

If you want to know the tag please PM me or post.

I do not know how much I want for this but NOTHING less then $300


Here is a hint though (G**G)

If this is my boy im thinking ofhe does indeed have this tag if it's what i'm thinking of.
Please close, No proof is given and he is multi accounting, thanks
Dreams said:
Please close, No proof is given and he is multi accounting, thanks
User is mad I have/had better tags then him in the past. Hop off the D fag boy
Please post proof of your ownership or I have to lock this.
Let's just say it's a sick freaking tag. Those of you who know it don't say it in the open. Ms may be lurking.
the tag is Gang and this user is a scammer. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
I pm'd you and your not responding back what is it?
Sweetner said:
I pm'd you and your not responding back what is it?

Do you not read? Dreams just said it...
Scam city bitch scam scam city bitch.

This isn't Ricky you guys, this is some fag that has no other way to make money so he has to try and scam. Pathetic
Agent said:
i dont think Ricky would sell gang....

Yeah that is the only tag he has been able to keep without getting banned. Hard to call in tags and keep them now-a-days.
he isn't on aim he said he posted it as a joke.. but he is a scammer dont trust
This tag is stupid as fuck haha who wants to be known as GanG
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