Selling Supreme ;(


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I need the money. Not going to get into it but I am going to be selling Supreme.

Let's get this sold. :/
The only thing I ask for is for you to keep me in the group.
@Sintation I'll give you 80 right now let me know
Sintation said:
100 and we got a deal. Can't do 80. I need 100.

90 right now if I was to go 100 might as well buy a fresh group
Really sad to see this go, this is honestly one of the only group I wished to of been in.
Sintation said:
Sorry dude, strictly looking for 100 dollars.

Ight good luck ever change your mind shoot pm
Sintation said:
I won't change my mind.
I need 90 not 100. And @Sinatra request to join the group. I'll let you in because yolo.
Ok you need 90 then lol but I'm thinking
Should I
Damn, Do we all get to stay in the group?
I am buying this guys waiting for the confirmation and stuff GG, keeping the members in it and stuff.
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