Selling / Trading Nice Youtube

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RE: Nice Youtube.

Sick YouTube FeaR
Should sell pretty quick
RE: Nice Youtube.

Boozy said:
Sick YouTube FeaR
Should sell pretty quick

Yeah I'm not really into the Youtube thing, so just trying to get rid of it thanks sir.
RE: Nice Youtube.

Crap, I would've taken this off your hands by now but I bought some dope and a board. :(
Glws man, such a sexy tube.
Reptar said:
Crap, I would've taken this off your hands by now but I bought some dope and a board. :(
Glws man, such a sexy tube.

No problem =) Thanks for the feed back .
Damn nice tube wish I would have gotten it from jailbroke, but glws.
Slanderer said:
You're a fucking fool, you just bought this..
Scamming little fuck.

You make no fucking sense, but want a good recommendation headbutt a wall until you get attention from your parents.
Veteran said:
You make no fucking sense, but want a good recommendation headbutt a wall until you get attention from your parents.

Bumping this hit me up guys
Bump for this guy seems chill. Buy this duds tube.
I have an aim and an IG?:)
I pretty much have everything Final and those are the left overs. :p
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