Semi-OG Facebook


User is banned.
I've Noticed I haven't been really HQ lately and i want to change that.
So today i'll be giving away the Facebook /Scoring. My friends used it as a fake facebook/blasting page for a while and yeah it was pretty stupid.
to be eligible you just need to have the word pen in your post, i don't want greedy little cunts just commenting without reading

Ban List

1. Optimus
2. exploit
3. Precision
4. Pictures
6. Matty
7. Ellen
8. Cord
9. Reptar
10. Taco
12. Joey
13. Frost[/SIZE]
14. Bend
15. Cult
Hello, I'd love to be a penis, so may I please have #9. Thank you.
I'll take number 7, and I'll write it down with a pen
I can't beleive people don't read the OP before posting. I'll take number 1. Now I'm going to write an essay with my new pen, cya!
This is a pretty nice Facebook man. Wouldn't mind having it . could I get number 12? Lol p
E. n ?

Edit: joeys pen island part distracted me from even noticing he chose 12. If I could have 11 that'd be cool.
I'll take number 3. There's a pen stuck in my ass.
I'll take number 14, thanks for the pen btw.
Pen and teller bullshit is funny but ill take any number
Gimme 13 mah nigga pen. Thanks
Ill take #6 and a pen if you have one please and thank you!
I will take number 2 with a pen on the side.
I'll take number 5, thanks man.
i'll take the #5 plz , pen, thnx for the Givewaay
Apple said:
I'll take number 5, thanks man.

Look's like someone didn't read the OP. Good luck to who ever wins this!
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