Semi-oG GT's || Give-Away


User is banned.
I'm doing a small give-away on a list of semi-oG GT's i picked up today.
There's 7 GT's I picked up.
Pick a number 1-10 and I'll record the winner being picked on when all numbers are taken or when I think the topic isn't gonna get any more activity.
Why not enter? It's free stuff. :p
The GT's are:
Butthurt Trolls
Clear Stare
Ugly Obsession
Fake Dox
Account Secured
Attractive Hair
Driving Home
-other info-
If you're in the social group "Heartless" (the group I'm currently in), I'll be doing exclusive give-aways for that group only. :) Talk to Kirby to join Heartless!

1. Kev
2. MyNam3IsBoost
3. GrƷƷd
4. Avatar
5. ϟwag
6. Zyrohx
7. NRSHokie
8. Kirby
9. Michael
10. Darth Vader
I guess i will take number 4,for the fuck of it.:)
Number 7 please! Thanks for doing this! :)
Thanks for the give-away, but please change the title these are not semi-originals.
Someone needs to pick #6 then he can do the giveaway!
I got sixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx