semi og twitter


Power member.
giving away @hurtf*l

hint: Ukraine 

ill probably choose a winner sometime tmwr 3-4 est 

gonna use a random generator w/ everyones post number in ti

This is actually a nice @

Thanks for the giveaway and goodluck to everyone
sadly this kid wouldnt trade me for it... would rather give it away lmao.
gl to all.
upset said:
sadly this kid wouldnt trade me for it... would rather give it away lmao.
gl to all.


sorry broski but nice kiks shun
Very generous of you to be giving this away, good luck to all.
Another post from me since I like it
Thanks for the giveaway man!
I've had a good twitter before, so I really appreciate you giving me the chance to win this.
The thing you used as the hint "Ukraine" was where I was born.
Pretty nice @ imo hopefully I can get this appreciate the giveaway
Another post from @Liquids

Let's get this won by him
sorry but I'm here to take this now @spoilt
Listen @Liquids even if you do win I'm going to do the typical scouse thing and come to Birmingham and take it xx
Spoilt said:
Listen @Liquids even if you do win I'm going to do the typical scouse thing and come to Birmingham and take it xx

That actually sounds good to me lmao
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