Several Sm's


Power member.
I am selling these sm's

Instagram: Conquers $20
Aim: Identity Bin: $15
Kik: Migrates Bin: $10
Kik: Hardly    Bin: $25
[email protected] Bin: $15
[email protected] Bin: $20 Bin: $15

I also have an aim and hotmail shop open if anyone is interested.
I am accepting PayPal from whom I deem trusted, Bitcoin from the rest.
I have some more shit, private message me if you are interested.
Would you possibly accept a trade on the first IG? I like it a lot.
If you still have the same list I wouldn't even consider it, sorry.
Actually i own quite a bit new things. I'm about to do a deal here in a minute as well.
i only have paypal, but i'll offer you 85 paypal for the first ig, let me know
Alright I might accept PayPal from you @risk
Shoot me a pm
Damn I like the Twitter, It is pretty dope.. Good luck selling these dude!
@Rexy shoot me a pm if you want the twitter.
i can do $50 pp right now on the first @, if not, pm me about it
would you accept paypal from me? Im liking the first ig :)
@busy I sold you a YouTube, so id accept PayPal from you if I deal with you.

@dad I wouldn't go that low. The bin is more then fair in my opinion.
i completely agree, BIN is fair already, but i currently have $50 paypal and so i asked you to PM me because i was wondering if there were any other buyers. if not, hit me up and i'll try to get that extra 25 homie!
Yeah, that is why the buyout is so low @slay
is my offer on this still valid? let me know i am still very interested
Risk said:
is my offer on this still valid? let me know i am still very interested

@risk what would you be paying in? I don't even know if I want to sell the first ig tbh
errorz said:
If the first one is what I think it is...I may be interested

Pm me what you think it is Jose.

I am keeping the first ig. Don't wanna get rid of it. Lol
Bumping this up to the top. Hmu guys.
Bumping this to the top. Added some cheap semis to the list.