Sexy PSN dude i used to have this psn added on my account : gang i don't know if it was you but you was cool as hell.
Smashing said:
Sexy PSN dude i used to have this psn added on my account : gang i don't know if it was you but you was cool as hell.
that was probably kevin
he had it for a while
glws ry sick psn
I'll start the biding off with $50 
Give me a BIn, and if you have serial.

I will pay 400 BTC.
Found said:
i got og credit card pretty much like serial

let me know hehe

Nah it's not bro.

I need serial, I've had to many PSn snatched from me.
Found said:
maybe because you buy aids accounts and like 15 people have serial...

no one having serial is a good thing bud, less people can pull it

Nah man, if I'm dropping money on anything I want to fully own it.
Found said:
I'll ask old owners if they had serial.
What's your kik? Just incase I get the serial 

Wayne has the serial to this, I believe. Either he'll give you the wrong one or he'll say he doesn't and maybe pull it back.
this account was taken from my friend Fusty lol....
I have $50 in psn and a og name called Malesting take all that for just the Spiderman account
Found said:
Don't got it anymore, someone took it From fusty then trade me it which then got pulled back 
Called it! Lmaooooooooooooo. PSNs are aids.