Sexy Fire Cape Service!

How much would you be chargin for a pure with 43 pray 78 str 65 range 61 attack and 85 magic?
We could discuss on MSN , ...I'm going to bed now though.
Hey, If I get to jad, how much will it cost for you to beat him?
5m for me to beat him if you're at jad
10m is a bit too much sexy (((
i would love u forever if u made it 6-7m )
Can't do it for that cheap ;P
Alright, I'll have you do jad for me. But can I pay you afterwards? My cash is in the bank obviously
I'd like to be paid before hand, or have you give it to me while i'm still log'd on to you're account somehow.
Well, I have no other accounts with RSGP on them.. So I have no idea how it will work. I'm not giving you my bank pin though
Vouch for Sexy, just had him get me a firecape and he was great!
Bump! : D
Yeah that is enough, what is your def/hp/prayer
no problem man. Good work.
would it be any cheaper if you just did jad? My stats are 99 range 81 def 76 pray.
Yeah, i would do jad for cheaper.
I'm too poor to buy the items, and also my stats are bad.
@"marko" then why post on this thread? lol.
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