Shadow's Vouches!!!


Power member.
Ok, so if we have ever done a deal, vouch here, and i know i have done at least 5 recently. If you don't remember who this is my aim is Lard. Maybe that will jog some of your memories :p

Edit: I youstu be known as Hat. All the original FK members will know me as that just so you all know Hat is me.
RE: Hat's Vouches!!!

Just MMed a deal between me and c0nflict. Fast, efficient and no problems. Easily one of my favorite members also!
Vouch for shadow he is legit and a very great middle man.
saldy i cant vouch for shadow/lard this kid scammed me :/
Just kidding love you lard your legit!
Could a staff please load these into my EZTrader vouch system? Also me and the user Earth™ ( did some business. I did a MM for him and i traded a GT checker and a list for a 1 month. He doesn't want to post on this thread because it would ruin his "0 post count".
Vouch for my nigga just did a pretty go deal.
Vouch! This dude is legit as fook
He MM'd a deal for me and a friend; 150$ PP and the tag D **.
cant vouch he scammed my gt: fAz3oPtIcsOAr
jk , hes legit af
Please only vouch if you have done a deal with me or i have MM'd for you!
Vouch for Shadow, just MM'd a $175 deal for a tag!
Vouch he just mm'd me and My new Bff Consistent ! Most trusted mm on this Site Don't hesitate!
Just got done MM'ing a deal for 115$ PP for a sick OG IG and 335$ PP for a sick OG Gamertag.