
Sharecash is pretty cool, but I personally prefer CPA.
But if you need some quick cash, ShareCash is pretty good.
ShareCash is a great site. You could also shoot your referral in there if you want.
Check out my signature, I am selling an eBook worth around $100 for only $10 - $15 it includes many different blackhat ways to earn money online using ShareCash, CPA, GPT, PTC, & PPC Sites.
Skill said:
ShareCash is a great site. You could also shoot your referral in there if you want.
Nah, I'm cool. I don't really need that much money.

ROFL, that made me laugh. I was just watching a TV Show and they were talking about scamming people. So they said to make people believe you aren't scamming them you've gotta act like you don't want their money. And secondly WTF wouldn't you want extra money?

(100 Posts Woot Woot)

Congratz on 100 posts and LOL!
I actually used sharecash and I really don't like them. I was never good with it in the first place and second, they pay monthly which sucks.
I was actually earning about $150 per day with SC until my videos on YT got banned and some of my files on SC as well. Now I'm making about $3-10 a day, matters if I'm lucky.
I personally like Sharecash better than Uploadables, Dengee, etc.
They do sometimes miss a few downloads, but it's fine. I always
get a good amount of income from them.
Sharecash is a good way to earn some cash but Dengee has much better rates than sharecash has.
Just gotta get a way to get my links downloaded...
I've earned like $8.25 on them, just $2 more till payout
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