Shots Market?


Onyx user!
I was wondering if anybody could shoot me a price estimate of shots accounts? I have an extremely large list and i am wondering if i should wait or if i could get anything at this moment in time?​
If you know an estimate please inform me below​

Thank you
I'm also curious about this. I have a few myself.
they are currently worth fuck all, I have too many to even pm someone with, I also "started" the market for this shit and I don't believe it will rise above $2 per account.
I have a bunch as well and need to sell them
Pandas said:
they are currently worth fuck all, I have too many to even pm someone with, I also "started" the market for this shit and I don't believe it will rise above $2 per account.

I have noticed just by trying to claim accounts that more and more people are signing up. Hopefully this will lead somewhere. I currently have a list of roughly 60+ accounts. Maybe some day... Thank you for your input. Much appreciated.
I've seen someone sell one for like 7$, that's the highest.
Shots are worthless at the moment, I have around 96+ lol
I have some of the best names and I believe couple of people here have 1 letter, they are worth nothing at the moment.
Rude said:
I had a one letter with a $50 offer, but it got jacked from me lol.

Damn unlucky buddy, i hope it gets big because my list is huge
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