Sick 3 Letter OG Snapchat

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Power member.
Username: E*a

I have an appraisal thread on this.

It's a word, I guess you can call it original & it is also a clan.

Give me an offer/BIN. Most likely I'll take it.

BI $35 - @Hitmarker
BIN: $100 - Got it appraised on the other site.
Fishy said:
I will bid $20 on this kickass snapchat!

I will note your bid in a few bro.
Pube said:
30$. that's a dope ass snapchat.

@Fishy you've been outbidded. Thanks!
ccc said:
PM me what the snapchat is. Thanks!

I already messaged you. The missing letter is a r.
Well I'm not going any higher gl selling and getting what you want for it, this ig is sick af.
Ooh this is a beauty.
I'm interested.
I'll PM you bro.
Bumping this, throw me an offer!
Sup Heis. On another note not a bad snapchat even though Tony gave it to you.
Shadow said:
Sup Heis. On another note not a bad snapchat even though Tony gave it to you.

Not heis lol, we traded yesterday. I knew one of his friends would think that lmao.

Most people know I'm a black guy haha.
Well since there's no BIN I'll drop a $35 bid on this real quick.
Tag me on this thread or PM me if outbid.
Bumping this again, I updated the thread to make the BIN to $100.

Sold this. I sold this. Sold this, it's gone.
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