sick ig (awesome niche)

My Big Willy

don't use IG anymore so offer up

Username: short for cigarettes? (I think)??? 

looking to see what offers I get 

accepting cs:go skins or btc only

EDIT: One owner (me), OG email will be included
You're not the first owner, but an amazing IG indeed. Good luck brother.
My Big Willy said:
Yes I am mate, swapped it onto a fresh ages ago ...

That doesn't make you the first owner of the handle then.
That makes you the original owner of the account the handle is on
ThugLuv said:
That doesn't make you the first owner of the handle then.
That makes you the original owner of the account the handle is on

Lmao. Who the fk wants to know the first owner of the handle then?

People only want to know how many owners have had the account for...

My Big Willy said:
Lmao. Who the fk wants to know the first owner of the handle then?

People only want to know how many owners have had the account for...

Are you dumb? if its swapped like crazy that means it has aids.
And your new here so that wouldnt even matter imbecile
ThugLuv said:
Are you dumb? if its swapped like crazy that means it has aids.
And your new here so that wouldnt even matter imbecile

How does that affect the handle? are previous owners able to pull it back even though the account the handle is on has switched?
Palace said:
How does that affect the handle? are previous owners able to pull it back even though the account the handle is on has switched?
No, previous owners can't pull it back if the handle has been swapped. This kid is clearly high and says I'm new when he's newer than me lel
Palace said:
How does that affect the handle? are previous owners able to pull it back even though the account the handle is on has switched?

Whoever originally made/claimed the handle has a great chance of pulling it back.
Hes saying hes the first owner which meaned he originally claimed it
ThugLuv said:
Whoever originally made/claimed the handle has a great chance of pulling it back.
Hes saying hes the first owner which meaned he originally claimed it
Sir, you are truly a faggot.

Someone can deactivate the IG meaning the username would become available or change the username because they want a different one and someone completely RANDOM can claim it. CLEARLY, you are an idiot. Please get off my thread and stop trying to earn posts skid.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Just incase you didn't read it right: "One owner (me), OG email will be included" [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]- FUCKING MEANS "one" owner is attached to the IG email. Instagram are not allowed to reclaim the username and put it into someone elses for any reason other than trademark or such. You made yourself sound like an idiot.[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]You need to go back to school. If it has aids, it means there are many owners attached to the IG. Not because it has been swapped many times... [/font]
My Big Willy said:
Sir, you are truly a faggot.

Someone can deactivate the IG meaning the username would become available or change the username because they want a different one and someone completely RANDOM can claim it. CLEARLY, you are an idiot. Please get off my thread and stop trying to earn posts skid.

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Just incase you didn't read it right: "One owner (me), OG email will be included" [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]- FUCKING MEANS "one" owner is attached to the IG email. Instagram are not allowed to reclaim the username and put it into someone elses for any reason other than trademark or such. You made yourself sound like an idiot.[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
Are you dumb? The OG owner of @pokemon pulled it back from me same with @G when it swapped 5 times!
You are clearly dumb and an idiot.
My Big Willy said:
Lmao. Who the fk wants to know the first owner of the handle then?

People only want to know how many owners have had the account for...


ThugLuv said:
Are you dumb? if its swapped like crazy that means it has aids.
And your new here so that wouldnt even matter imbecile

That moment you're a month older and he calls you new. LMAO
OP: Aids does not mean the owners of the account, it means the ownsrs of the username itself. I personally do not see how this is a "awesome niche" but glws.
Trilogy said:
I'm pretty sure the only owner of this prior to him was Matt anyway so this does not have aids y'all needa chill
is rico suave from hackforums Matt?