So I added a FNC tag?


User is banned.
I was bored so I was just adding random tags, so I decided to add the tag 'Hitler' and ofcourse it was banned and had a FNC but this was diffrent as it added Hitler but the gamertag was 'FNC146787432' it's like xbox store all their force named tags? anybody else come across this?

It was a silver account with a halo 3 gamerpicure and look very very inactive.
Never actually heard of this happening. This is odd.. Can you share a screenshot?

They're actually some gamertags that are v1s but have played on the 360 and their tags are like Player7264958 or some crap and they have no rep, no zone, and no country but have played only one or 2 games on the 360 or GFWL. Anyone else see this?
Hitler shows this because it wasn't a vulgar reset tag. It was a real 360 tag from an old exploit and this is been like this this since 2009-2010 when u add hitler it adds a different tag. It's really weird
If I recall correctly, I think "******" or "nigga" is another one of these types of accounts.

The word filters prohibit me from actually saying it but I am sure you can figure out the first word.
That's actually really weird haha, never heard of this!
Key said:
Never actually heard of this happening. This is odd.. Can you share a screenshot?

Unfortunately, Key I deleted the request stupidly, I tried adding it back but it just says Gamertag doesn't exist, Its so strange!

EDIT: I got the Hitler tag to add the werid tag here's a screenshot

What you guys think?
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