Sold please close


Peoria is a city in Illinois and Arizona.
It has 3 weeks of live left
It is 6th prestige level 20 in black ops 2
It has diamond for snipers and a gold pdw, b32r
you can send me an fr if you'd like to see whats on it in bo2
Its also 9th level 80 in mw3


Current Bid- $200, Aceptar

PM or post offers don't have a buyout atm.
Only taking moneypak, NO Paypal
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

I will buy this hit me up on aim buds
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

You added my GT quietly before lolz
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

B E N said:
You added my GT quietly before lolz

Probably wasn't this Peoria. This guy just got this like yesterday, the old Peoria has a new tag now.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

’’’’Z said:
Probably wasn't this Peoria. This guy just got this like yesterday, the old Peoria has a new tag now.
Whats his tag now?
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

Old Peoria`s new tag is Dependant, I believe.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

B E N said:
You added my GT quietly before lolz

Yeah it wasn't me like he said but you've tried to add me on Tennessee before. and the old Peoria is now Dependant, also an old tag i tried selling on here before.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

Simply said:
Yeah it wasn't me like he said but you've tried to add me on Tennessee before. and the old Peoria is now Dependant, also an old tag i tried selling on here before.
oh alright
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

I PMed you, I might have a good trade for you
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

GLWS This tag bro and also Vouch!
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

Ill buy placing bid for $70 I live in the Arizona one please PM me.

Do you have Skype or aim? I want this now.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

i will bid 80 i really want this account
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

Ill bid $100.
PM me really interested.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank thisdude on my friends list legit Guy and amazing at cod global with selling bro
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

Should sell for a nice amount if you ask me.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

I bid $120 right now.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

I'll put another bid of $150.
Hit me up.
RE: GT- Peoria, with BO II rank

$160 ill place that bid right now.
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